Angelamaria De Feo


Can students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) benefit from the perspective of neuroscience in addressing challenges both inside and outside the classroom?

While pedagogy cannot fragment and multiply for each student in a classroom, it must channel its efforts towards the development of cognitive and emotional functions for all learners (Damiani et al., 2015). Neuroimaging techniques shed light on brain functions and how information and stimuli from external experiences become embedded in the mind.

A constructive dialogue between pedagogy and neuroscience can contribute to the development of inclusive teaching and the creation of a supportive environment that promotes the appreciation of the unique-diverse nature of individuals and helps address learning difficulties. The objective of this paper is to reflect on the opportunities offered by neuroscience to education to enhance the overall learning experience for all students, particularly those with SLD, thereby avoiding trauma from failure or the development of psychopathologies.


Neuroscience, SLD, Neuroeducation, Embodied Cognitive Science

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN: 2532-3296