Dario Giovanni Cipani, Ilaria Tosi, Federica Passera, Francesco Casolo


In light of the different inclusive needs and in line with the transversal perspective of the National Guidelines for the Curriculum, a teaching method is proposed through musical, choreutic and performative motor activities that can be achieved both in the classroom and in the gym. The intent is to amplify the possibilities of socio-cultural inclusion of newly belonging learners with potential communication difficulties also linked to the knowledge of the language, emphasizing the enrichment deriving for all students and breaking down social, cultural or economic barriers, in a captivating and motivating mode.

Therefore, the conduct of the proposals by the teacher will be particularly complex, but no less engaging and fascinating.  He must be able to manage the dynamics of the individual (emotional states and any discomforts) within the groups composed also by learners with different cultures of origin who will be enhanced (thanks primarily to the different musical proposals).  Each student will be called to collaborate and accept choices and relational situations (social skills and respect for the rules), through movement proposals (knowledge and skills) with deep personal participation (music-motor interpretation). This context will be a privileged place to acquire important skills for life through movement (personal acceptance and mutual respect, trust in others, commitment to a goal and the common good, spirit of initiative, problem solving).


Physical Education and Sports, Socio-cultural Inclusion; School; Music; Performing Arts.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v8i4.1268


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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296