Action observation treatment. A brief overview of a new tool for rehabilitation and education in the clinical, neuropsychological and sports fields.
In recent years, research in the clinical, neuropsychological, educational and sports fields has contributed to the development of numerous and different therapeutic interventions, radically changing the ability to deal with problems of various kinds in these areas. The objective of this brief review illustrates the new rehabilitation and educational approach of AOT (ACTION OBSERVATION TREATMENT), which exploits the neurophysiological mechanism of mirror neurons. Its potential for motor recovery could be used in clinical, educational, neuropsychological and sports settings.
Negli ultimi anni, la ricerca in ambito clinico, neuropsicologico, educativo e sportivo, ha contribuito allo sviluppo di numerosi e diversi interventi terapeutici cambiando radicalmente la capacità di affrontare i problemi di diversa natura in questi ambiti. L’obiettivo di questa breve review illustra il nuovo approccio riabilitativo ed educativo dell’ AOT (ACTION OBSERVATION TREATMENT), che sfrutta il meccanismo neurofisiologico dei neuroni specchio. Il suo potenziale per il recupero motorio potrebbe essere utilizzabile in ambito clinico, educativo, neuropsicologico e sportivo
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