The recent pandemic led the educative world to radically rethink the teaching setting. The goal of this article is
to analyze an embodied simulation strategy (the Walt Disney method) as an experiential technique of
dramatization in media distance learning contexts. The eco-mindstorming approach is presented, included in the
embodied cognition framework read in the light of the neuroscientific discoveries of mirroring systems and the
ecological nature of learning processes. This approach, which has an ecopedagogical matrix, aims to facilitate
innovative, creative and stimulating teaching-educational strategies (e.g., virtual role playing, embodied
simulation) to enhance cognitive-bodily and metacognitive functions and skills, as well as affective and socio-
relational skills through play.
La recente pandemia ha portato il mondo della formazione a ripensare radicalmente il setting didattico.
L’obiettivo di questo articolo è di analizzare una strategia di embodied simulation (il metodo Walt Disney) come
tecnica esperienziale di drammatizzazione in contesti di Media distance learning. Si presenta l’approccio eco-
mindstorming, inserito nel framework dell’embodied cognition letta alla luce delle scoperte neuroscientifiche dei
sistemi di mirroring e della natura ecologica dei processi di apprendimento. Tale approccio, di matrice
ecopedagogica, intende facilitare strategie didattico-educative innovative, creative e stimolanti (es. role playing
virtuale, embodied simulation) per potenziare funzioni e competenze cognitivo-corporee e metacognitive, oltre a
skills affettive e socio-relazionali attraverso il gioco.
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