Giuseppe Filippo Dettori, Barbara Letteri


The paper presents the data emerging from a survey carried out on a sample of 336 school head teachers from a wide variety of school orders in all Italian regions. The research investigated the following areas: which aspects related to the inclusion of pupils with BES are managed personally by the headmaster and which aspects he delegates to: collaborators, instrumental functions, specialised teachers; how he manages relations with families and health personnel and the difficulties he encounters. The survey shows a constant participation of the S.D. in institutional meetings and a good ability to delegate to the system professional staff. There is a need for more training and participation in the school networks for the experimentation on issues regarding pedagogy and special education, in order to become more incisive leaders in the processes of inclusion of disabled students.


Leadership functions, inclusion, BES, lifelong learning

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296