This work presents some reflections on the Minister's Decree n. 188 of 21.06.2021 that outlines for the year 2021 a training system that guarantees a basic knowledge of inclusive issues for non-specialized teaching staff on support and engaged in classes, of all levels, with pupils with disability. A basic preparation of this type is desired from the early years of inclusion paths and constitutes a working tool to respond to all pupils, with a view to full inclusion and to guarantee the principle of joint ownership in the pupil's own assignment. In this scenario, teachers are configured as "levers of change" (Ainscow, 2005), or strategic agents of social and school inclusion processes for which specific training is essential that can provide them with the skills necessary to translate on a praxis level the founding principles of inclusive logic so that teachers acquire an inclusive and reflective posture, working in the perspective of the biopsychosocial model and acting in a co-responsible way.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296