Abstract: The present paper starts with the analysis of the pedagogical movement called Student Voice (Cook-Sather, 2014) in the Italian context (Grion, 2017; D’Angelo et al., 2020), with the aim to identify strategies to implement inclusion at the University (Giaconi, 2015; D’Angelo, Del Bianco, 2019). In line with these premises, a research group in the Pedagogy and Special Didactics field, from the University of Macerata, has carried out a pilot study with University students with Disabilities and with Specific Learning Disorders (Giaconi, Capellini, 2015; Del Bianco, 2019), with the aim to understand if the online learning environment set up by the University was accessible or not and which didactic strategies favoured learning the most.
Specifically, the discussion will deepen how the Voices of all students can be recorded even during an emergency period, such as the COVID-19 outbreak, and how students’ feedback can be the first step to start new cooperation in the implementation of educational paths, where dialogue and critical confrontation represent crucial elements to direct inclusive processes in the University environment.Keywords
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