According to the current lines of contemporary research, the aim of the framework of inclusive education is to respond to the diversity and learning differences of all students, through a different environmental organization for everyone. Brain development is largely a process that depends on experience, in both positive and negative terms (Oliviero, 2017). According to the principle of neuronal plasticity, the brain modifies its structure on the basis of environmental stimuli: in fact, it is environmental and interpersonal experiences that modify our brain structures. In the educational field, it is therefore essential to structure contexts and learning opportunities that generate interest, curiosity, and participation, in heterogeneous environments such as that of today’s school, but respecting the development of each student. The contribution of contemporary neuroscience allows, today, embody the idea of a complex being human. The relationships and the mediators that are used at school, are the signs that students received. That can stimulate the perceptive apparatus and support the development of identity and the relationship between similar (inter-objectivity). In this work we will present, through the perspective of the principles of Universal Design (Rose and Meyer, 2002) how an active, multi-perspective and varied learning, stimulating learning, participation, and a development of soft skills, through the design of educational contexts and using a different methods that enhance diversity.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v6i1.557
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