The national and international documents of the last decades, according to scientific literature, place motor sports activities at the center of the educational debate. There are numerous initiatives promoted by international organizations aimed at spreading motor-sports culture in the various formal and non-formal learning contexts that promote the universal principles of gender equality, non-discrimination and social inclusion in and through sport. This contribution aims to outline within the Italian cultural context a synthetic framework of design potential that leveraging the inclusive power of sport can create and nurture fertile educational alliances between school, family and sports associations. If on the one hand the legislative evolution of the last few decades with the consequent increase in the initiatives implemented represents a strength that offers great design potential from a systemic perspective, on the other hand the evaluation of the quality of the projects implemented is still lacking. Scientific research has the role of shedding light on the critical issues in order to fully understand where and why this virtuous circle between school, family, institutions and the third sector is interrupted. It is desirable that scientific awareness and political actions find more and more points of interconnection useful for a real implementation of effective and functional alliances.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296