The performing arts can be defined as an effective means of learning because their teaching is configured with high emotional involvement. Specifically, the following article focuses on the role of music and music teaching interventions and the positive effects in terms of learning and social-emotional development of learners with disabilities-even severe ones-or with specific learning disorders. All this is useful from the perspective of inclusive didactics, defined by Heidrun (2019) as the set of actions for the design, implementation and evaluation of educational practices that activate the learning and participation processes of all pupils. Being, therefore, a teaching of all pupils, the recipients of inclusive teaching are not only students with special educational needs, but every student in the class group, welcomed and valued by the teacher, based on their individual specificities (Rossi, 2021). In this sense, music assumes great inclusive value because, in addition to being an enjoyable and accessible activity even in the presence of severe disabilities, it engages a rather extensive neural network therefore it involves numerous cognitive and socio-emotional resources of learners, including those with special educational needs.
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PDF (Italiano)References
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296